Multiboard release agents for wood-based panels
With our innovative Multiboard release agents, Zeller+Gmelin offers you a range of powerful high-quality release agents for wood composites. Our wide product range offers optimum release agents for spray and rolling applications.
Specific release agents for chipboard and fibreboard
A variety of application-specific Multiboard release agents are available for the production of OSB boards and fibreboards. Depending on the production process, there are specific products for the manufacture of chipboard and fibreboard in the woodworking industry. In addition, we develop specific customer solutions according to your requirements in our in-house Research and Development Department. The consistently high quality of our release agents for wood composites ensures the highest possible operating safety.
To profit from Multiboard release agents for wood-based panels:
- 工艺可靠性和成本效率高
- 不含有损油漆粘稠度的物质
- 无(警告)标识,工作安全性高
- 优异的存储稳定性
- 优化的生产流程
- 为您的制造过程量身定制解决方案